Friendship Plait A2 Large Poster | Ellen Rogers

Ellen Rogers

Friendship Plait A2 Large Poster


Friendship Plait A2 Large Poster
Friendship Plait A2 Large Poster Friendship Plait A2 Large Poster Friendship Plait A2 Large Poster Friendship Plait A2 Large Poster Friendship Plait A2 Large Poster

This artwork began as a postcard-sized photo etching, which I have now enlarged to A2 for a special edition run of 200 posters. These posters are part of a fundraising effort for my PhD project. Created originally for the Women, Life, Freedom movement, this piece paid tribute to the courageous Iranian women who risked everything in their fight for civil liberties. It symbolises friendship, female solidarity, and the power of collective strength.

Each poster is an A2 litho print on 140gm recycled paper, the original image was crafted on an etching press to highlight the artistry and labour involved in hand printing work. Once sold out, these will not be reprinted.