My current notebooks and test prints from the Gnosis series so far… Above a page of one of my sketchbooks featuring The Angels Hovering Over the Body of Christ in the Sepulchre, c1805 by William Blake (on the...

My current notebooks and test prints from the Gnosis series so far… Above a page of one of my sketchbooks featuring The Angels Hovering Over the Body of Christ in the Sepulchre, c1805 by William Blake (on the...
And these are behind-the-scenes snap on my 35mm Nikon of the Ravensbourne Fashion Accessories degree catalogue I creative directed with Liz Ciokajlo. Some snaps from my 35mm Contax G2 camera this month. These are from the runway show at the...
We have here new prints made with eco developer, the test prints, in my sketch book and a few colour film versions... This year I’ve mostly been trying to behave myself. This is to say I’ve kept my head...
On mother’s day this year, I went to the market in Norwich and bought the flowers I thought my mother would like, took them to my photo studio and made them into still lifes that I thought were...