Imaginary Mother's Day | Ellen Rogers

Ellen Rogers

Imaginary Mother's Day

Imaginary Mother's Day



On mother’s day this year, I went to the market in Norwich and bought the flowers I thought my mother would like, took them to my photo studio and made them into still lifes that I thought were fitting to a style perhaps I was working towards. A couple of weeks later, a pall who grows flowers professionally gave me a large handful of hand-grown roses and asked me to make a portrait of them. I gave the colour print to my aunt for her 70th birthday. Here are two very different studies of flowers, using studio lighting in the one and natural lighting in the other. 

This time, I’ve been using an eco-developer which I think gives a slightly flatter finish, but in recent years it’s dawned on me how dangerous the chemicals I’ve been making up are. They are a working progress. I’m trying to do something extremely low toxic and with low environmental damage.

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